2 Simple Techniques To Have A Domesticated Ego

Ego, unfortunately, has been inside us since we were born. It is something that we acquired from our ancestors since the day they acquired “knowledge” or “intelligence”. It is the very basis of us being "human". I said "basis" because it is the patterns that enable us to proceed to do "actions" that we consider as “logical”.

Ego makes us want things that we consider important like having a good job, being wealthy, having a Lamborghini sports car, having a P200M worth of a Mansion, etc. To some extent, we can use or abuse the ego instead of it uses or abuses us. We can become the puppeteer instead of the puppet. We can use the ego to drive us to get the dreams that we have been wanted to achieve. But before we can do that, the first thing we have to do is to control its behavior.

Controlling the ego takes a lot of practice. Believe me or not, no one ever does fully control his/her ego. It gets wild every now and then. Trying to get out of the prison cell it has been confined for a long time. You may not believe me again, but do you know that all your life, you have been trying to control it but not aware of it. For example, every time you are not trying to get angry whenever your child did something wrong; that’s you controlling the ego. You are avoiding the ego to use the “good patterns” in you to make you do something wrong like shouting or spanking at your child. (To know more about mind patterns, please visit God's Dreams Compass and  http://SuccessPatternsSystem.blogspot.com)

There are 2 simple techniques that I have been using whenever my ego was trying get loose. I’m sharing them here with you so you can try to apply it to yourself. You can tweak it if you like as long as it will serve you well. The most important is it should make you feel ok and don’t have the feeling of trying to be right… 

1.) Breathe deep. It depends on you on how deep you want it, how fast you want it, or how frequent you want it. You can close your eyes or not. While doing it, say to yourself “ayos lang ako” (I’m ok) or “wala lang ito” (this feeling is nothing) as many times as possible. You can say it aloud or not. Keep repeating it to yourself, until you really feel it.

2.) “Ako pa rin ito. Walang nabago sa pagkatao ko” (I’m still me. Nothing changes for me). Keep saying this to yourself if something bad happened to you like somebody cut you while your driving your car or your boss gave you a bad performance appraisal. Make it a litany prayer inside yourself until the momentary feeling of dissatisfaction subsides.

So there you go. These are the 2 quick fixes that I use. If these can’t remove the feeling of dissatisfaction, you need something more advance to train your ego to calm down. I will share more of those in the future so please subscribe by entering your email at the right side of the webpage to get updates.

 Dedicated to your success,
 Ok Pinoy 

P.S. Ego and mind patterns are the two things we should understand inside ourselves. To know more about “mind patterns”, please visit God's Dreams Compass and http://SuccessPatternsSystem.blogspot.com.
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