Mutual Funds Secrets - Part 2

(This is an excerpt from the book HOW TO MAKE 10% TO 70% PER YEAR WITH PHILIPPINE EQUITY FUND by J.P.)

How I started?
My journey started more than five years ago. I wasn’t aware that I did the right thing by signing up for Mutual Fund accounts with three companies. I put all of my hard earned money into these funds and started hoping that it would grow as fast as it could; I hoped but didn’t expect too much. Another reason why I got into it was to be able to learn it more; while into it, I continue researching anything that I could learn about Mutual Funds. Before I tried Mutual Funds, the only thing that I knew about it was that a lot of people were doing it because it’s a good investment. I entered the Mutual Fund world without knowing exactly what it was; but I immersed myself nevertheless. Through the years, what I did was now I discovered as the Law of Detachment; a little off topic but I think it’s worth mentioning here; the law means you have to immerse yourself into something that you want to deeply learn and discover, without getting the intention of attaching yourself emotionally to the outcome. It’s just a learning process that you want to achieve, not yet to be successful with that endeavor. As I’ve said, I didn’t stop there. I needed to learn more so I could achieve more. I read all the financial books that I could afford and googled every new single terminology that I came across with to know more about it until I learned two (2) methods to maximized my earnings with my Mutual Funds. The first method is a common technique used by some Mutual Fund and Stockmarket investors. The other method is using combination of different technical indicators so that you will know when to move the money to other funds, when to add more money or when to withdraw the money when you need it. I’m not sure if other investors are using these or similar methods because I’m the one who put all these indicators together by trial and error. These methods are simple but very powerful if you applied it correctly. Do you want to know those methods? Keep on reading. I will share those methods in this book.

Way back September 2007, the world was starting to get into a big mess, the U.S. sub-prime mortgages fiasco slowly creeping its impact in every country. Most of the people around the world didn’t have a clue at that time that the world was into a deep trouble. I was one of them. I was shocked when my equity-based Mutual Funds’ values were plummeting. I mean really fast. It was very scary. I didn’t want my lifetime hard earned money to be evaporated just like that so I did what a common investor had to do. I withdrew all my money. All my earnings for the past two years were lost. It was gone into thin air and it was very disappointing. Reckoning all that, there were something else I should have done. I should have planned for that moment and profit even more if I’ve done it correctly. Yes, it was the biggest failure I experienced on having a Mutual fund but it was also the biggest lesson that I’ve learned. Admittedly, I was a coward and got afraid at first but being afraid didn’t stop me from discovering and learning. I continued doing my research. I knew that there’s something I didn’t know that led me to that decision and situation. I kept on searching and searching until I came over these great investment ideas that now I’ve been using. You will read them all here.

How this book is organized?
Part I Simple Technical Indicators. It discusses about simple technical indicators and chart that you can use as a tool to know the sentiment of the overall Philippine equity market. It also tells websites where you can find this chart with the technical indicators for free.

Part II Investment Strategies. It shows how to use the indicators discussed in Part I to achieve the maximum potential of your Equity Mutual Fund. Two methods are discussed.

Appendix - Fund Companies. This part of the book has compiled all the information you need to get started your journey to prosperity. It has the list of all Philippines Mutual Fund companies, Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF) Banks, and Variables Insurance companies. UITF is also like a mutual fund the only difference is that UITF is regulated by Central Bank while Mutual Fund is under Security Exchange Commission (SEC). Variable insurance is also a Mutual Fund with life term insurance; two in one packaged together for a more beneficial offer to the investors. The Appendix has all contact information and websites of all the listed fund companies.

This book doesn’t cover the basics of Equity Fund. To learn the fundamentals, please read other mutual fund books or you can just use your search engine to know what mutual fund is and the basics on how they work. Also you can contact local Mutual fund companies and ask for a free orientation or seminar. As I’ve said, at the Appendix of this book, contact information of those companies is listed. If you live outside Metro Manila, you can ask them if they have a branch near to your location.

This Book is a Personal Financial Manual
This book is something that every family should have. You can let your friends borrow your copy but I believe and suggest that they need to have their own copy. This book is intended to provide an advanced but simple guide on Equity Mutual Fund investment that you need to consult from time to time; so keep your copy in handy in case there’s a situation in the Equity market that you need to take action with. I’m sure you will look into this book on a monthly basis, or if you are really eager to be familiar with it, you can review it every week while checking your funds.

If you are good, you can easily memorize the information in this book but if you can keep a copy, you can pass it to your children in the future once they become interested in making their own money to grow.
This book is short. I discuss only important details. I don’t want to pad it with circuitous and puzzling explanation just to make it look thick, just straight to the point.

This book is for your journey to prosperity. Happy investing.

To know how to buy a copy of the book, click HERE.

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    Thank you,


  2. pleae contact me i need a copy of this book.
