(This is an excerpt from the book HOW TO MAKE 10% TO 70% PER YEAR WITH PHILIPPINE EQUITY FUND by J.P.)
Nowadays, many trainings and seminars are designed to impart information and instructions on handling money wisely to people seeking ways to improve their financial situation. Some give instructions directly and specifically on how to be successful on stockmarkets, mutual funds, and other investment instruments. Some provides training on how to have the correct and powerful mindset to get yourself into action so you can get started on achieving your financial goals. I believe attending those kinds of trainings is a must to all people who are struggling to get out of the so-called “rat race”. The terminology used by Robert Kiyosaki referring to a life cycle of those people who keep on working for money to make ends meet, to those who can save a little out of their salaries, or to those who can save a bit more but they keep their money in the banks and keep on working for the rest of their lives.
Early of 2011, I attended a seminar that gave techniques on how to amass unimaginable amount of wealth; I witnessed and was amazed by thousands of people who attended the seminar. I realized that I’m not alone. People are constantly looking for ways to improve their lives, especially their financial status. I am one of them. For years I have been constantly searching for ways to learn on how to have different passive incomes to augment my monthly income. Through research and reading books, slowly I learned some important ideas about investments. I thought that these ideas were common and ordinary, and that many educated people already know them. I was wrong. For the past few years, people I know that have high education and professional experiences have been asking me what are mutual funds, stockmarket, etc? They were actually clueless. Three questions popped into my mind. The first question was why they didn’t know it? Secondly, how can I help them to learn what I’ve learned over the years? Thirdly, what did I discover that people wanted to know and kept on asking how I did it? Here are my answers and opinions. For the first question, people don’t know about investments because there’s no subject in school about financial literacy and no subject about “failure”. We were trained in school to write, read, analyze, calculate, memorize and to be correct all the time. We were graded based on percentages of the correct things that we did. We were not trained to fail and to learn from those failures. Schools even kick out students who failed a lot. Nowadays, people get ashamed whenever they fail because that’s our training “we are not supposed to fail”. Most people never dare to try just to make sure that they won’t fail. It is planted in people’s subconscious mind that they should not fail. Therefore, most of the people are not aware that they have this inner behavior. Most people are afraid that other people will see them as a failure. They want to be correct all the time. The same thing happens with investments; people don’t want to be in it because they are afraid and don’t want to fail. They don’t want to try because they think if they fail other people will look at them as failure. As I’ve said, they don’t want to fail because of the “we-are-not-supposed-to-fail mentality”. People are afraid to try because they read or heard that investments were risky. They instantly reject the idea without doing proper investigation on the subject matter; and for me the thorough examination is through immersion. Try it and let yourself feel it. Only you are the best judge to say if it’s really risky or not. It all depends on your capability on doing it.
For the second question, my answer is this book. At some point in their lives, some people get into the “realization phase” of their lives that they need to get to know about these so-called investments but since they are still afraid of failing, they are very slow in learning. Usually they ask people they trust or who have done it already. That’s what happening right now with some people I know; they have been asking me about different investments because they eventually come into senses that they need to put their money into something that will give them higher returns for their hard-earned savings. My friends and other people I know have been asking me “What investment that is good to start with?”, “How can I start to invest?”, and “How did you maximized your earnings and got 40% last year?”. Of course if I know the answers, I am more than willing to share everything to them. But answering the same questions over and over again sometimes becomes tiring; so I decided to write this book. This book answers some of those important questions with regards to Equity Mutual Fund. Other type of investments like stockmarket, bonds, treasury bills, forex trading, etc. are not covered in this book. In the future, I will come up with other books about some of these topics.
For the third question, here’s my answer. I will share simple and doable methods that everyone can use to maximize their earnings with Equity Mutual Funds. I will share to you methods that I discovered that you can use to make you earn extra money with less effort or while doing nothing at all. This book is about some of those methods that I successfully used through the years; how to get the most out of the Equity Mutual Fund investments. I discussed only about Equity Mutual Fund and not the other funds like Bonds Fund, Balanced Fund, etc. because I’m not a believer of some of these funds like Bonds. Don’t get me wrong. I still believe in the saying that “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. It’s just I’m very selective on choosing the kind of baskets to put my eggs with. It’s better to put your eggs in different “high-performing” baskets rather than put some of them in “mediocre” baskets.
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